I spent another day behind a microscope.

2D MDCK layer
Image taken on a Zeiss 710 Confocal microscope at the University of Dundee.
MDCK spheroid and 2D layer
Image taken on a Zeiss 710 Confocal microscope at the University of Dundee.
3D MDCK spheroids
Image taken on a Zeiss 710 Confocal microscope at the University of Dundee.
Glowing edges filter
Image taken on a Zeiss 710 Confocal microscope at the University of Dundee, but then put through a filter.

The last images are put though the very professional “Glowing edges” filter found in Microsoft Office Powerpoint.

2 Replies to “I spent another day behind a microscope.”

    1. Hi Thomas,
      What you see here are MDCK cells (top image) and cysts (middle 2 images). MDCK cells (Madine-Darby Canine Kidney cells) are an immortal cell-line of dog kidney cells. They’re epithelial cells and form round hollow cysts in 3D culture conditions. I’m using them while I establish techniques (because they’re an immortal cell-line, easier to work with, they’re a good model for gut organoids which are my final goal).
      I have stained for the nucleus (Hoescht, blue), actin filaments (green) and microtubules (red).
      Perhaps this clears things up a bit?

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